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New Advance for Shipments to Egypt

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15th JUNE 2021

Pls note there are a few updates to the new Egyptian advance requirements which will start July 1st, 2021.

In addition to the ACID number which is mandatory to receive from the shipper, we must also receive the Exporter registration number as well as the Egyptian Importer's VAT number.

Regarding the Egyptian Importers VAT Number:

  *   Until yesterday, the Egyptian VAT number was not mandatory for creating a CUCC.

  *   From today on - any request for a new CUCC for an Egyptian customer MUST also include the VAT number.

  *   We have additionally provide our Egyptian colleagues with the list of CUCCs for Egyptian Customers and the VAT numbers will be uploaded as quickly as possible.

  *   Until further notice, we must receive the Egyptian VAT number from the Shipper and insert it in the Party details - if the CUCC already existed in the system - as this means there is no VAT number.

     *   If you have requested a new Egyptian CUCC for this shipment, you will be required to provide the VAT number so it will not be necessary to add manually to the Shipper text field.

Regarding the Exporters registration number:

  *   If you are in a country where the Customer VAT number, or registration number, is mandatory in order to create a CUCC for your Country's customers then no further actions are required as they are already provided.

  *   If you are not in a country where the Customer VAT number, or registration number, is mandatory in order to create a CUCC for your Country's customers - then you need to receive this from the Shipper on the SI.

  *   Currently it is to be added in the Shipper details on the BL.

Regarding the ACID number:

  *   It is currently still to be added to the Notify Party text.

  *   We remind everyone that if the shipper did not provide the ACID number for any shipment sailing on or after July 1st - we cannot load their cargo.



1st April 2021

Egypt authorities are implementing a new requirement for advance notification of cargo prior to loading of the cargo.

This new regulations requires the Egyptian receiver to register the shipment in their local system.

Once confirmed they will receive a number called ACID - Advance Cargo Information Declaration.

This number is sent to the Shipper and must be included in all documentation related to the shipment.

Carrier are required to include the ACID number on our BL and of course in the Manifest.

Per request from our Egyptian colleagues the ACID should be inserted in the Notify Field after the rest of the party details.

Pls note if we do not have the ACID, the cargo cannot be discharged in Egypt. Any charges resulting in returning the cargo to the POL will be on account of the POL / Shipper.